Neon Signs can be any size, shape and color. Indoors or out, neon is eye-catching. One of the first forms of signs to have illumination, neon signs have been in use for about a century. Neon can also be used to enhance you buildings' appearance, setting it apart from the other ones that surround your business.
Perhaps one of the most effective techniques when attempting to increase the amount of traffic which flows through your business/company is by creating an aesthetically attractive sign. Neon signs can be seen as some of the most intense, eye-catching advertising efforts, regardless as to whether or not they are located inside or outside of an establishment.
Neon can be traced back for nearly one century, proving that not only is it one of the earliest forms of illumination, but it has also proven effective in advertising, hence the reason neon signs are still widely used in todays society. By utilizing our professional designers, your neon sign will be jazzy, bright, and noticeable to all who pass. Not only that, Kerley Signs literally wrote the book on how to install neon signage!
These signs will assist in setting you apart from the competition. Whether it be due to the fact that your store lights up the night after hours, or just simply adding to the interior design of the establishment, neon signs can be seen as a way to enhance your buildings appearance, making your company unique. So sit back and let Kerley Signs design your neon sign and light up your business.